I train at this club, because I have the option of a personal trainer in the pass

Personal trainer included In membership

Give your clients a personal trainer for free


personal training care

exercises on all machines in the club

tailored personal training for clients

full interaction with the club's client

included in the package with a pass or as an additional paid option

The only application that attracts people to the club

A real, not virtual, trainer from your club composes personalized training for your clients. He stays in touch with them and analyzes their training performance. Thanks to the fact that he is relieved of 90% of his work by the application, he can handle not one, but dozens of clients at the same time.

The client prefers your pass

because in your pass he has a personal trainer at his disposal for free or for a fraction of the personal training fee (it's up to you). You're giving him something that another club or their card broker won't give him, and thus they are loyal for years.

You gain customers who until now could not afford personal trainings

With the FITNESSTEAM app, you can set any low price for your customers. Any price will pay off whether you charge them 0 PLN or 49 PLN for the whole month. Still not much compared to, eg., PLN 150 for each hour of personal training.

180 devices, 300 exercises, unlimited trainers

The FITNESSTEAM app already offers more than 300 exercises for all muscle groups and body parts on a variety of training equipment and accessories. Trainers composing workouts are connected with your club. As a result, they have personal contact with your clients, they know them and know what they need. It is up to you whether you will have only one trainer or you give your members an option to choose from many.

Dodatkowe przychody dla twojego klubu

Przetestuj za darmo przez 30 dni

Fitness club

nieograniczona liczba klientów

dla twojego biznesu

  • nieograniczona liczba klientów

  • możliwość tworzenia własnych filmików treningowych i wklejania ich do aplikacji dla klienta

  • nieograniczona liczba trenerów

  • szkolenie gratis

833 zł netto

za miesiąc płatne za cały rok

przetestuj za darmo

999 zł płatne miesięcznie

To Ci się po prostu opłaca

Już przy 18 klientach subskrybcja Ci się zwraca (przy koszcie treningu prsonalnego równym tylko 50 zł miesięcznie) Co więcej, nie musisz ryzykować w ciemno jeśli się obawiasz, że nie zdobędziesz takiej liczby chętnych na trening spersonalizowany. Wystarczy, że skorzystasz z darmowego 30 dniowego okresu testowego i sam się przekonasz ilu chętnych masz na taką usługę w klubie. Pamiętaj, że nie wprowadzenia takiej dodatkowej usługi nie wiąże się z żadnym wydatkiem inwestycyjnym. Poprostu wprowadzasz dodatkową pozycję w swoim cenniku i już sprzedajesz treningi spersonalizowane. Jeśli odpowiednio przeszkolisz swój personel to przekonasz się, że chętnych do zakupu takiej usługi są w Twoim klubie setki (średnia z klubów które wprowadziły do siebie aplikację FT wynosi 303 klientów).  

Łatwa edycja sprzętu

Sam dobierasz sprzęt, ktory masz do dyspozycji w klubie. Możesz go dowolnie opisać i oznaczyć tak aby był łatwo rozpoznawalny dla klienta. Jeśli w bazie ponad 500 różnych urządzeń i akcesoriów, którejś maszyny brakuje to sam możesz dograć odpowiedni dla niej filmik instruktażowy i udostępnić go swoim klientom.

Nadzór nad trenerami

Na bieżąco móżesz sprawdzić ile klientow ma każdy z twoich trenerów. Ile programów treningowych przesłął swoim klientom i czy jest z nimi w ciagłym kontakcie. Dowiesz się także, programy treningowe którego z trenerów cieszą się największą popularnością. 

Chcesz aplikację w swoim klubie ?

Wypełnij formularz lub zadzwoń i poproś o indywidualną prezentację

FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

How much does the club charge its clients?
The club is given an administrative panel to which it enrolls those willing to exercise with a personal trainer in the FITNESSTEAM app. It is the Club that assigns access to the application to clients and decides whether this access will be free of charge or at an additional charge (e.g. as another item in the price list).
What does a personal training session prescribed by a trainer look like?
The trainer prepares the workout based on the client's preferences and needs. In their administrative panel, they can see only the equipment and accessories present in your club, so there is no fear that they will prepare an impossible workout. The trainer also has an access to all the exercises performed by the client, along with the type and workout history. Once a month, they can meet with the client, take measurements and make any modifications to the training plan.
How much does an app access cost the customer?
The club decides this. For a premium club, the app can be a differentiator and such access can be free for all club membership card holders. For everyone else, it can be extra paid to the pass (e.g., PLN 39) and generate additional revenue for the club. The idea behind the app is to provide the club with an additional revenue opportunity and, on the other hand, to give customers the opportunity for a personal training at a very low price.
Do I get rid of personal trainers by introducing the app to the club?
Definitely not, because all those who can afford a few hundred zloty per hour will still use the help of their personal trainer. On the other hand, those who could not afford such a sum so far can experience such a training thanks to the application.
How many trainers dedicated to the app do I need?
In our experience, one trainer can prepare and supervise up to several hundred trainings per month. However, it is up to the club whether the app will be handled by a single trainer or whether club members can have a choice.
Can customers download such an application themselves?
They can, but they will not have any access to it anyway. Only a club with an administrative panel can grant them such access. The club can also withhold or block it as, for example, the customer wants to suspend membership.
How does the client communicate with the trainer?
The trainer has an administrative panel received from the club. In this panel they see only those who have been given access to the application. The client himself selects a trainer from the list (if there is more than one) and sends them a form with data and training goals. The trainer prepares an individual training plan for the customer and, if necessary, communicates with the client via messenger or in person.
Do I have to give such access to all my customers or only to those with my club card?
This also depends only on you. You decide who to give such access to and for how long. You can favor only your cardholders, but you can also sell access to the app to card brokers' cardholders. One way or another, you provide additional income for the club.



Ul. Strażnicza 1

82-300 Elbląg

Regulations of the application